Sunday, July 03, 2005

Late-night recreation, Chickasaw style

It's two hours into the night watch, and i hear voices drifting across the water. This is unusual. I scan the inlet, seeing nothing, and look out toward the river. Still nothing. Finally, i peer directly down over the rail. Four scruffy faces look back up at me, surrounded by a jumble of flashlights, long-handled nets, and five-gallon buckets. A guy in a baseball hat offers a gap-toothed grin (i am not kidding) and hoists a beer can in a happy salute. "How ya doin', brother?" It's the fifth johnboat of the night, out looking for crabs.

Oh, almost forgot. Here's the inside of the preschool classroom - recognize? - during the thunderstorms the other day. The water cascades in from aft deck through the rusted-out bulkhead (as well as directly in through the holes in the starboard side), but it cascades out again just as quickly through the even bigger holes in the deck. So it all works out very nicely.


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